Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Cirrus Logic CL-GD 500/600
CL-GD 510/520 Flat Panel/LCD
CL-GD 610/620 Flat Panel/LCD
CL-GD 5320
The 64xx Flat Panel family:
CL-GD 5410
CL-GD 6410 Flat Panel LCD 256k no banks.
CL-GD 6420 Flat Panel/LCD 512k/1M?
CL-GD 6412
CL-GD 6416
CL-GD 6440
CL-GD 6450
The 54xx Super VGA family:
CL-GD 5401 AVGA 1. No banks
CL-GD 5402 AVGA 2.
Note: the 5401 and 5402 are sometimes sold as the Acumos AVGA1 and 2.
CL-GD 6205
CL-GD 6215
CL-GD 6225
CL-GD 5420
CL-GD 5422 1024x768x256.
CL-GD 5424
CL-GD 5426 Up to 2MB. Accelerated version of 5422. BitBLT
CL-GD 5428 Newer version of 5426
CL-GD 5434 Next generation 64bit chip
The 54xx series has a built in RAMDAC. 8 bit for the 5401/5402, 15/16bit for
the 5420 and 15/16/24 bit for the 5422 and up.
Other Chips:
CL-GD 6340 LCD Panel Driver
The 5xx/6xx Flat Panel family:
This family strongly resembles the early Video 7 chips. Apparently Cirrus
supplied at least one of the early Video 7 chips (Video7 OEM).
3C4h index 6 (W):
bit 0-7 Writing ("Eagle ID" rol 4) will disable extensions.
Writing "Eagle ID" will enable.
Reading will return 0 if extensions are disabled, 1 if enabled
The "Eagle ID" is read from 3d4h index 1Fh
3C4h index 80h (R/W): Miscellaneous Control 1
3C4h index 81h (R/W): Graphics Position 1
3C4h index 82h (R/W): Graphics Position 2
3C4h index 83h (R/W): Attribute Controller Index
3C4h index 84h (R/W): Write Control
3C4h index 85h (R/W): Timing Control
3C4h index 86h (R/W): Bandwidth Control
3C4h index 87h (R/W): Miscellaneous Control 2
3C4h index 88h (R/W): Horizontal Sync skew
3C4h index 89h (R/W): CGA, HGC Font Control
3C4h index 8Ah (R/W): Reserved
3C4h index 8Bh (R/W): Screen B preset row scan
3C4h index 8Ch (R/W): Screen B start address high
3C4h index 8Dh (R/W): Screen B start address low
3C4h index 8Eh (R): Version Code
3C4h index 8Fh (R): Version Code
3C4h index 90h (R/W): Vertical Retrace Start
3C4h index 91h (R/W): Vertical Retrace End
3C4h index 92h (R/W): Lightpen High
3C4h index 93h (R/W): Lightpen Low
3C4h index 94h (R/W): Pointer Pattern Address High
3C4h index 95h (R/W): Cursor Height Adjust
3C4h index 96h (R/W): Caret Width
3C4h index 97h (R/W): Caret Height
3C4h index 98h (R/W): Caret Horizontal Position High
3C4h index 99h (R/W): Caret Horizontal Position Low
3C4h index 9Ah (R/W): Caret Vertical Position High
3C4h index 9Bh (R/W): Caret Vertical Position Low
3C4h index 9Ch (R/W): Pointer Horizontal Position High
3C4h index 9Dh (R/W): Pointer Horizontal Position Low
3C4h index 9Eh (R/W): Pointer Vertical Position High
3C4h index 9Fh (R/W): Pointer Vertical Position Low
3C4h index A0h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 0
3C4h index A1h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 1
3C4h index A2h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 2
3C4h index A3h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 3
3C4h index A4h (R/W): Clock Select
3C4h index A5h (R/W): Cursor (Caret and pointer) Attribute
3C4h index A6h (R/W): Internal Switch Source
3C4h index A7h (R/W): Status Switch Control
3C4h index A8h (R/W): NMI Mask 1
3C4h index A9h (R/W): NMI Mask 2
3C4h index AAh (R/W): Reserved
3C4h index ABh (R): NMI Status 1
3C4h index ACh (R): NMI Status 2
3C4h index ADh (R/W): 256 Color mode Page Control
3C4h index AEh (R): NMI data cache (Four 24 bit words)
3C4h index AFh (R/W): Active Adapter State
3C4h index B0h..BFh (R/W): Scratch Registers
3C4h index C0h..FFh (R/W): Reserved
3d4h index Ch (R/W): Screen A start address Hi
Must be cleared before the Eagle ID Register (3d4h index 1Fh) can be read.
3d4h index 1Fh (R): Eagle ID register
bit 0-7 Eagle ID. Used for test of 3C4h index 6.
Reading this register will return the content of 3d4h index 0Ch XORed
with the Eagle ID value.
ECh for CL-GD 510/520, CAh for 610/620. EAh for Video7 boards.
Memory locations:
$C000:$6 2 bytes 'CL' if Cirrus Bios
Modes for the CL-GD510/520:
40h T 100 30
41h T 100 50
42h T 100 60
50h T 132 30
51h T 132 50
52h T 132 60
53h T 80 60
62h G 640 450 16
63h G 720 540 16
64h G 800 600 16
Other sources claim:
15h T 132 25 2 (8x14)
16h T 132 44 2 (8x8)
18h T 132 30 2 (8x)
1Eh T 132 25 16 (8x8)
1Fh T 132 25 16 (8x14)
20h T 132 44 16 (8x8)
22h T 132 30 16 (8x)
31h T 100 37 2
40h G 720 540 16 PL4
50h G 640 400 256 packed
51h G 512 480 256 packed Note: not supported in all Bios'es
63h G 720 540 16 PL4
64h G 800 600 16 PL4
6Ah G 800 600 16 PL4
Mode 50h and 51h use a special system where four pixels are stored at the
same byte address in plane 0,1,2 and 3 respectively.
GD5410, 64xx series:
3CEh index 0Ah (R/W): Enable Extension
bit 0-7 Write ECh to enable extensions, CEh to disable.
Reads as 1 if enabled, 0 if not.
3CEh index 0Bh (R/W): Attribute Controller Index (ARX) r/w with toggle
bit 0-4 Attribute Register Index
5 Enable Video
7 Toggle ARX to Data
3CEh index 0Ch (R/W): CR11 bit 7 at Extension
bit 7 Write Protect 3d4h index 0-7.
3CEh index 0Dh (R/W): CPU Base Address Control (not 6410)
bit 0 Enable Page Remapping
1 Enable 64K Remapping page size if set, 32K if clear
2 If set use 3CEh index 0Eh for reads and index 0Fh for writes.
if clear both reads and writes use index 0Eh.
4 (6440) Enable Linear Addressing
7 (not 6440) Enable I/O Ext Addr Remapping
3CEh index 0Eh (R/W): CPU Base Address Mapping Register A (not 6410)
bit 0-7 Bank number in 4K units. If 3CEh index 0Dh bit 2 is set this
register is only used for reads, if clear this register is used for
both reads and writes.
3CEh index 0Fh (R/W): CPU Base Address Mapping Register B (not 6410)
bit 0-7 Bank number in 4K units. If 3CEh index 0Dh bit 2 is set this
register is used for writes.
3CEh index 34h (R/W): Cursor Location Extension (5410 only)
bit 0-3 Cursor Location Address bit 16-19
3CEh index 60h (R/W): Horizontal Total Extension
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in 3CEh index 64h bit 5.
3CEh index 61h (R/W): Horizontal Blank Start Extension
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in 3CEh index 62h bit 7.
3CEh index 62h (R/W): Horizontal Blank End Extension
bit 0-4 Horizontal Blank End Extension
7 Horizontal Blank Start Extension bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 61h.
3CEh index 63h (R/W): Horizontal Retrace Start Extension
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in 3CEh index 64h bit 6.
3CEh index 64h (R/W): Horizontal Retrace End Extension
bit 0-4 Horizontal Retrace End Extension
5 Horizontal Total Extension bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 60h.
6 Horizontal Retrace Start Extension bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 63h.
7 Horizontal Blank End bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 62h.
3CEh index 70h (R/W): Vertical Total Extension
bit 0-7 Bits 8-10 are in index 78h and 79h
3CEh index 71h (R/W): Vertical Display Enable Extension
bit 0-7 Bits 8-10 are in index 78h and 79h
3CEh index 72h (R/W): Vertical Blank Start Extension
bit 0-7 Bits 8-10 are in index 78h and 79h.
3CEh index 73h (R/W): Vertical Blank End Extensions
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in index 78h
3CEh index 74h (R/W): Vertical Retrace Start Extension
bit 0-7 Bits 8-10 are in index 78h and 79h.
3CEh index 75h (R/W): Vertical Retrace End Extension
bit 0-3
3CEh index 78h (R/W): CR07 Extension
bit 0 Vertical Total bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 70h
1 Vertical Display Enable bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 71h
2 Vertical Retrace Start bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 74h
3 Vertical Blank Start bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 72h
4 Line Compare bit 8.
5 Vertical Total bit 9
6 Vertical Display Enable bit 9.
7 Vertical Retrace Start bit 9
3CEh index 79h (R/W): Vertical Overflow beyond CR07
bit 0 Vertical Total bit 10
1 Vertical Display Enable bit 10
2-3 Vertical Blank Start bit 9-10.
4 Vertical Retrace Start bit 10
3CEh index 7Ah (R/W): Coarse Vertical Retrace Skew for Interlaced
bit 0-7 Coarse Vertical Retrace Skew for Interlaced Odd Fields in
Character Clock Periods.
3CEh index 7Bh (R/W): Fine Vertical Retrace Skew
bit 0-1 Fine Vertical Retrace Skew for Interlaced Odd Fields in Dot Clock
3CEh index 7Ch (R/W): Start Address Extension
bit 0-3 Screen A Start Address Extension bits 16-19
3CEh index 80h (R/W): H/V Retrace Polarity Control (not 5410)
bit 1 (6440) Interlaced Mode Enable
2 (6440) Double Character Clock for Horizontal Parameters
4 Enable Expanded Graphics
5 H/V Polarity Source Control
6 Horizontal Retrace Polarity
7 Vertical Retrace Polarity
3CEh index 81h (R/W): Display Mode (not 6440)
bit 0 (not 5410) Select LCD Display if set, CRT if clear
2 (6420,5410) Interlaced Mode Enable
3 (not 5410) Enable CL-GD6340 Mode
4 (not 5410) Select Single Scan Panel
5 (not 5410) Enable AutoMAP
7 (not 5410) Enable Simulscan
3CEh index 82h (R/W): Character Clock
bit 0-2 Character Clock Width. 1: 8pixels, 2:4pixels
3 Disable SR1[0] functionality ??
5-6 (5410) 0: 2 CRT-clkin, 1: 1, 2: 4
7 (6440) Enable Internal Divided by 2 (for Pixel Doubling)
3CEh index 83h (R/W): Write Control
bit 0 CRTC Vertical Parameters Write Protect
3d4h index 6, 7 (bit 0,2,3,5,7), 9 bit 5, 10h, 11h bit 0-3,
15h, 16h
1 (6440) Horizontal Parameters Write Protect
(not 6440) CRTC Display Timing Effect Write Protect
3d4h index 7 (bit 1,6), 9, 0Ah, 0Bh, 12h, 14h
2 (not 6440) CRTC Vertical Display End Effect Protect
3d4h index 12h, 7 (bits 1,6)
3 (not 6440) CRTC Blank Effect Protect
3d4h index 2, 3 bits 0-3, 5 bit 7, 7 bit 3, 9 bit 5,
15h, 16h
4 (not 6440) CRTC Total/Retrace Effect Protect
6 (not 6440) Attribute Registers Write Protect (3C0h index 0-0Fh).
3CEh index 84h (R/W): Clock Select (not 6440)
bit 1 (not 5410) Clock In Divide by 2 if set.
2-5 Clock Select
7 Select bit 2-3 as clock bit 0-1 rather than 3C2h bit 2-3.
3CEh index 85h (R/W): Virtual Switch Source (5410 only)
0-3 VGA Internal Switches for Analog Monitor
4 Enable Virtual Switches
3CEh index 86h (R/W): CRTC Test
bit 1-3 (5410) CRTC Test Bits
4 CRTC Outputs Three-State Control
5 (6412,40) HSYNC, VSYNC Disable if set
3CEh index 87h (R/W): CRTC Spare Extension (Rev B only)
bit 1 (6412) PVSYNC Configuration
Pin 82: bit 4: bit 1: index 8Fh bit 4:
LFS 0 0 0
FPVDE 0 0 1
VDE* 1 0 x
PVSYNC 0 1 x
3 (6412) Enable Short VSYNC Total
4 (NOT 5410) VDE*/LFS Configuration on pin 99.
If set pin 99 is VDE*, if clear pin 99 is LFS
6 (6412) Enable short HTOT (HDE+7)
7 (6412) Enable short VTOT (VDE+4)
(6410,20) Invert VDE* Polarity on pin 99
6-7 (5410) Interlace Test 0-1
3CEh index 8Fh (R/W): CRTC BIOS Configuration (not 6440)
bit 0-1 Clock Select Pin-out Configuration
2 (6412) If set SUSPEND* input, if clear FRA8 input
3 (6412) If set VDCLK I/O output, if clear FPVDCLK
4 (6412) If set FPVDE output, if clear LFS output
5 (6412) SUSPEND* pin Configuration. SUSPEND* if set, FRA8 if clear
6 (6412) Frame Accelerator Control bit. Set if the system power down
the Frame Accelerator DRAM
7 (6412,20) Enable Retrace Line Clocks
3CEh index 90h (R/W): VMC Control
bit 0 Scan Line Double Control
1 RAS* Precharge. Extended if clear, normal if set
2 (5410) DMC2
3 Display Memory Refresh Control Extension
5-6 (5410) DMC5-6
6 (6410 rev B,6420) Power Sequencing Status Bit.
Note: The undefined bits should be set to 0 when writing this register.
3CEh index 91h (R/W): CRT Circular Buffer Policy Selection
bit 6-7 (R) Reserved
Note: The undefined bits should be set to 0 when writing this register.
3CEh index 92h (R/W): Font Control
bit 0-1 Font Control Address Extension
3 (6410,20) Enable Software Expanded Text
5 (not 5410) Enable Full Height Cursor
6 (not 5410) Text Expansion Method Select
7 (not 5410) Enable Hardware Expanded Text
3CEh index 93h (R/W): Full Frame-Accelerator Bottom Half Start (6440)
bit 0-7 Bottom Half Start Address
3CEh index 93h (R/W): CPU Interface Test Register (5410)
bit 6-7 CTR6-7
3CEh index 94h (R/W): Full Frame-Accelerator Misc. Control 1 (6440)
bit 0 Frame Accelerator Selection. Full if set, Half if clear
Note: The undefined bits should be set to 0 when writing this register.
3CEh index 95h (R/W): CRTC Circular Buffer Delta and Burst
bit 0-3 Delta number
4-7 Burst number
3CEh index 96h (R/W): Display Memory Control Test Register
bit 0 Latch Monitor ID
1 (6420) Frame Accelerator Three-State control
(6440,5410) Video Memory Data M1D, M3D Three-State Control
2 Video Memory Data M0D, M2D Three-State control
3 Video Memory & Address Three-State control
4 (5410) Disable Fast-Page Mode
Note: The undefined bits should be set to 0 when writing this register.
3CEh index 97h (R/W): Monitor Switches Read Back
bit 0 (6440) 14MHz Clock Source
3-7 (6440) Reserved for BIOS
4-7 (not 6440,5410) Panel Type Switches
7 (5410) Interlace
3CEh index 98h (R/W): Scratch
bit 0-7
3CEh index 99h (R/W): Pull Up/Down Configuration
bit 0 BIOS address. C000h if clear, E000h if set
1 (5410) CPU Bus Type. 0: ISA, 1: MCA
1-2 (6440) CPU Bus Type. 0: Local Bus, 1: PI bus, 2: ISA bus
2 (not 6440) Disable VGA address space
3 Sleep at 46E8h if set, 3C3h if clear
4 BIOS is 16bit if set, 8bit if clear
5 (6440) VGA Address space
6 (6440) Disable ST100 Effect
7 (6440) CPU clock select/ISA I/O select
3CEh index 9Ah (R/W): Video Memory Configuration
bit 0-7 (not 6440,5410) Reserved. should be programmed to 0.
0-2 (6440) Memory Width
6-7 (5410) RAMDAC Select 0-1
3CEh index 9Bh (R/W): Miscellaneous Pin Configuration
bit 0 Enable Sequencer Clock (SQCLK) inversion
1 On Chip Monitor Sense Enable if set, disable if clear
3-4 (not 6440,5410) INTERNAL/MOD Pin Configuration.
5-6 (not 6440,5410) LLCLK/DE Configuration.
0: LLCLK, 1: DE (for GD6340),
3: Pins 98/99=PHSYNC/PVSYNC
7 (6412) Paged BIOS Disable.
If set pins 62-64 are TIMER*, PO1 and SSCLK
if clear pins 62-64 are BIOS address bit 13-15
Note: The undefined bits should be set to 0 when writing this register.
3CEh index 9Ch (R/W): PS/2 Monitor ID Read-back
bit 5-7 Monitor ID. 2: 8514, 5: 8503, 6: 8512/8513, 7: no monitor
3CEh index 9Dh (R/W): Miscellaneous Configuration 2 (6412 only)
bit 0 FPVDCLK Delay. If set delay FPVDCLK by 1/2 Video Clock (VDCLK)
1 Select OE* Delay. If set OE* is delayed by one Memory Clock (SQCLK)
6 5v/3v Monitor Sense Select. 5V if set, 3.3V if clear
7 Select OSC as SQCLK.
If set SQCLK is derived from OSC, if clear from an input
3CEh index 9Dh (R/W): Configuration 1 Register (5410 only)
bit 0-1 Bus Type
6 Use External SQCLK Synthesizer
7 Use External VDCLK Synthesizer
3CEh index 9Eh (R/W): Frame-Accelerator Even Frame Start Addr (6440)
bit 0-7 Frame-Accelerator Even Frame Start Address
3CEh index 9Eh (R/W): Display Memory Configuration High (5410)
bit 0-2 SQCLK Frequency
3-4 DRAM Width
5-7 DRAM Depth
3CEh index 9Fh (R/W): Frame-Accelerator Odd Frame Start Addr (6440)
bit 0-7 Frame-Accelerator Odd Frame Start Address
3CEh index 9Fh (R/W): Display Memory Configuration Low (5410)
bit 0 DMCR0
1-3 Display Memory Bus Width
4-6 Display Memory Bus Depth
3CEh index A0h (R/W): Bus Interface Unit Control
bit 0 Disable BIOS ROM
1 Disable Sleep Mechanism
2 (not 5410) Enable Write Protect RAMDAC
3 MEMCS16* Mode Select
4 Enable 16bit Memory
5 (6440) Enable 16bit I/O
6 (5410) Enable 16bit I/O
(not 5410) Disable CPU Address Scramble
7 (5410) Enable 16bit Interface in Planar Modes
3CEh index A1h (R/W): Three-State & Test Control
bit 3 All other Output & I/O pins Three-State Control
5 If set the CRTC Offset (3d4h index 13h) and Display Start Address
(3d4h index 0Ch,0Dh).are multiplied with 4.
Set in extended 256color modes.
7 (not 5410) Disable I/O Read
Note: The undefined bits should be set to 0 when writing this register.
3CEh index A2h (R/W): BIOS Page Selection (not 5410)
bit 0-2 Select ROM BIOS Page
3CEh index A6h (R/W): Wait State Controls
bit 0 Disable Memory Write Wait State Control
1 Disable I/O Read Wait State
2 Enable 0 Wait State for Memory Write
3 (not 6440) Disable RAMDAC I/O Wait State
4 Disable I/O Write Wait State
6 (not 5410) BIOS Wait-State Control. 0 Wait States if set
7 (R) Bus width Status Bit. 16bit if set, 8bit if clear
3CEh index A7h (R/W): General Programmable I/O Port Control (not 5410)
bit 0 (6440) Output pin PO0 Control
1 Output pin PO1 control
2 (6410,20,40) Output pin PO2 Control
3 (6440) Output pin PO3 Control
4 (6440) Write Protect 3CEh index 0Dh
6 (6440) Enable PO[3:0]
3CEh index A9h (R/W): Bus Interface Unit Cache Control
bit 0 (5410) Enable Read from Write FIFO
1 Enable Cache Read
2 (6440,5410) Enable Write Plane-Select Compaction in Write Mode 0
3 (6410,12,5410) Enable Write-Overwrite Compaction in modes 2,3
4 (5410) Enable 16bit Peripheral in Planar Modes
5-6 Internal BIU Timing to control delays
3CEh index AAh (R/W): Design Revision
bit 0-3 Design Revision
4-7 Design ID (Major version):
4: CL-GD6440
5: CL-GD6412
6: CL-GD5410
7: CL-GD6420
8: CL-GD6410
3CEh index ABh (R/W): Mask Revision (not 5410)
bit 0-7
3CEh index AEh (R/W): Alternate Extension Decode High (5410,6412 only)
bit 0-7 Bits 8-15 of the value. Bits 0-7 are in index AFh
3CEh index AEh (R/W): Color Expansion Pixel Mask (6440 only)
bit 0-7
3CEh index AFh (R/W): Alternate Extension Decode Low (5410,6412 only)
bit 0-7 Bits 0-7 of the value. Bits 8-15 are in index AEh
3CEh index B0h (R/W): Color Expansion Control (6440 only)
bit 0 Enable Color Expansion
1 Enable by 8 Address Mode
2 Write Mode 4/5 Control
4 Enable Enhanced Writes for 16bit pixels
3CEh index B1h (R/W): Linear Address Map (6440 only)
bit 0-3 Linear Address Map
3CEh index B2h W(R/W): Foreground Color for Color Expansion (6440 only)
bit 0-15 Foreground color for color expansion
3CEh index B4h W(R/W): Background Color for Color Expansion (6440 only)
bit 0-15
3CEh index BAh (R/W): Scratch Pad 0
bit 0-7
3CEh index BBh (R/W): Scratch Pad 1
bit 6-7 Video Memory: 0: 256K, 1: 512K, 2: 768K, 3: 1024K
3CEh index BCh (R/W): Scratch Pad 2
bit 0-7
3CEh index BDh (R/W): Scratch Pad 3
bit 0-7
3CEh index BEh (R/W): Scratch Pad 4
bit 0-7
3CEh index BFh (R/W): Scratch Pad 5
bit 0-7
3CEh index C0h (R/W): Attribute and Graphics Control
bit 0 (not 5410) Enable Foreground Enhancement
1 Bypass Internal Palette
2 (6412) Enable 4bit Single-Scan Monochrome Panel Support
(6440) Attribute Emulation
(5410) Disable 3C0h index 14h
3 Enable Background Color Enhancement
3CEh index C1h (R/W): Cursor Attributes
bit 0 Enable Cursor Blinking
1-2 Cursor Blinking Rate
3 Cursor Mode. Invert if set, replace if clear
4 Invert Border Color
5 (not 5410) Cursor Color Control
3CEh index C2h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 0
bit 0-7
3CEh index C3h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 1
bit 0-7
3CEh index C4h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 2
bit 0-7
3CEh index C5h (R/W): Graphics Controller Memory Latch 3
bit 0-7
3CEh index C8h (R/W): DAC Power Control
bit 1 (6410,12,40) Select 16color Extended mode (Packed-pixel)
2 (6440) Enable 256 Color Modes
5 Enable Force Blank to RAMDAC
6 (6440) Grey Scale Data from Attribute
Note: The undefined bits should be set to 0 when writing this register.
3CEh index C9h (R/W): Graphics and Attribute Test
bit 0-2 (5410) GAT bits 0-2
3 (6410,12,40,5410) Enable 9dot Font
4 (not 6440) Three-State Pixel data & VDCLK
5 (6440) LSB value of Red and Blue and Green
(5410) Red/Blue LSB
6 (6440) Select 16bit/pixel green map
(5410) Green LSB
7 (6440,5410) Enable True Color
3CEh index D0h (R/W): Flat Panel Column Offset (not 6440)
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in index D4 bit 0.
3CEh index D1h (R/W): Flat Panel Horizontal Displayed (not 6440)
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in 3CEh index D4h bit 1
3CEh index D2h (R/W): Flat Panel Row Offset (not 6440)
bit 0-7 Bits 8-9 are in 3CEh index D4 bits 2-3
3CEh index D3h (R/W): Flat Panel Vertical Size (not 6440)
bit 0-7 Bits 8-10 are in 3CEh index D4h bit 4-6
3CEh index D4h (R/W): Flat Panel Overflow (not 6440)
bit 0 Column Offset bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index 60h
1 Panel Horizontal Displayed bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index D1h
2-3 Row Offset Overflow bits 8-9. Bits 0-7 are in index D2h
4-6 Panel Vertical Size Overflow bits 8-10. Bits 0-7 are in index D3h.
3CEh index D5h (R/W): Flat Panel Attribute LCD Control (not 6440)
bit 0-1 9 Dots Text Reduction
2 (R) Stand-by Mode Status bit
3 Enable Attribute Emulation
4 Enable Extra Line Clk
5 Enable Reverse Video in Graphics Mode
6 Enable Reverse Video in Text Mode
7 Enable AutoMAP
3CEh index D6h (R/W): Flat Panel Grey Scale Offset (not 6440)
bit 0 Select Grey Scale offset 4 (default=13)
1 Power Sequencing Control
2 Power Sequencing Time Control
4 (6420 & 6410 rev B) Enable 8bit Plasma Interface
5 (6420 & 6410 rev B) Enable Intermodulation
6 Enable Horizontal Stipling
7 Enable Vertical Stipling
3CEh index D7h (R/W): Flat Panel Retrace LLCLK Control (not 6440)
bit 0-4 Retrace LLCLK counter
3CEh index D8h (R/W): Flat Panel Frame Color (not 6440)
bit 0-3 Frame Color
4 Enable Frame Color
6 (6410 rev B,12,20) Enable EPSON FPLCLK
3CEh index D9h (R/W): Flat Panel AC Modulation (not 6440)
bit 0-7
3CEh index DAh (R/W): Flat Panel Display Control (not 6440)
bit 0 (6420, 6410 rev B) Force 32 Grey Shades
1-2 Panel Vertical Alignment Control
3-4 Panel Size Selection
5-7 RGB Weight Control
3CEh index DBh (R/W): Standby Timer Control (not 6440)
bit 0-5 Standby Mode Time Interval in minutes
6-7 Standby Mode. 0: disable, 1: screen save, 2: video memory
3CEh index DCh (R/W): Flat Panel Color Configuration (not 6440)
bit 0 9bit Color Panel Select
1 MOD/FPHDE/P8 pin function control. If set P8 is output,
if clear MOD is output if bit 0 is clear, FPHDE if set
3CEh index E0h (R/W): Flat Panel Column Offset (6440 only)
bit 0-7
3CEh index E1h (R/W): Flat Panel Horizontal Displayed Size (6440 only)
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in index E4h bit 1.
3CEh index E2h (R/W): Flat Panel Row Offset (6440 only)
bit 0-7 Bits 8-9 are in index E4h bit 2-3
3CEh index E3h (R/W): Flat Panel Vertical Size (6440 only)
bit 0-7 Bits 8-10 are in index E4h bit 4-6
3CEh index E4h (R/W): Flat Panel Overflow (6440 only)
bit 0 Column Offset bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index E0h
1 Panel Horizontal Displayed bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index E1h
2-3 Row Offset Overflow bits 8-9. Bits 0-7 are in index E2h
4-6 Panel Vertical Size Overflow bits 8-10. Bits 0-7 are in index E3h
3CEh index E5h (R/W): Flat Panel Horizontal Centering Offset (6440 only)
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in index E7h bit 0
3CEh index E6h (R/W): Flat Panel Horizontal Centering Offset-9Dot (6440 only)
bit 0-7 Bit 8 is in index E7h bit 1
3CEh index E7h (R/W): Flat Panel Horizontal Centering Overflow (6440 only)
bit 0 Flat Panel Horizontal Centering bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in index E5h
1 Flat Panel Horizontal Centering (9Dot) bit 8. Bits 0-7 are in
index E6h
2 Flat Panel Horizontal Size Adjust
3CEh index E8h (R/W): Flat Panel Pin Configuration (6440 only)
bit 0 Standby/Suspend Pin Status. If set Standby Timer Status is output on
pin 152, if clear Suspend Mode Status is output on pin 152.
1 Enable FPHDE Control
2 Flat Panel Drive. If set 100%, if clear 60%
3 GD6440 Core at 3 Volts. If set 5V, if clear 3.3V
3CEh index E9h (R/W): Flat Panel Type Control (6440 only)
bit 0-2 Flat Panel Size Selection. 0: 640x480, 1: 640x400,
2: 1280x1024/1280x960
3 Flat Panel Scan Type
5-6 Extra Line Clock Enable. 0,1: None, 2: 1 extra, 3: 2 extra line
3CEh index EAh (R/W): Flat Panel Power Control (6440 only)
bit 0 Power Sequence Status
1 Standby on Status
2 Sequencer Flat Panel Power
3-5 Standby Mode Selection
6 Enable External Suspend Pin
3CEh index EBh (R/W): Flat Panel Standby Timer (6440 only)
bit 0-7
3CEh index ECh (R/W): Flat Panel Misc 1 Control (6440 only)
bit 0-1 Vertical Alignment Control. 0: Top, 1: Bottom, 2,3:Center
2 Enable Horizontal Centering
3 Grayscale Offset Value
4-5 Display Type Select. 0: CRT, 1: Flat Panel, 2,3: SimulSCAN
6 Grayscale Offset Pattern Select
7 Invert FPVDE
3CEh index EDh (R/W): Flat Panel Retrace FPCLK (6440 only)
bit 0-4 Programmed Burst of Line Clocks
5-6 Retrace Line Clock Control
7 Fast Line Clock
3CEh index EEh (R/W): Flat Panel Test Control (6440 only)
bit 0-7 Reserved
3CEh index F0h (R/W): Flat Panel Clock Control (6440 only)
bit 0-3 FPVDCLK Control
4-5 FPVDCLK Enable Control
6 Invert FPVDCLK
7 Invert FPHDE
3CEh index F1h (R/W): Flat Panel Data Control (6440 only)
bit 0-4 Flat Panel Video Data Output Format Control
5 FPHSYNC/FPVSYNC Polarity Source Control
6 FPHSYNC Polarity Control
7 FPVSYNC Polarity Control
3CEh index F2h (R/W): Flat Panel AC Modulation (6440 only)
bit 0-7
3CEh index F3h (R/W): Flat Panel FPHSYNC Skew (6440 only)
bit 0-6 FPHSYNC Skew
3CEh index F4h (R/W): Flat Panel FPVSYNC Skew (6440 only)
bit 0-4 FPVSYNC Skew
6-7 FPHSYNC Width
3CEh index F5h (R/W): Memory Clock Select Factor (6440 only)
bit 0-4 Memory Clock Numerator "N"
5-7 Memory Clock Denominator "D"
3CEh index F6h (R/W): CRT Clock Select "N" Factor (6440 only)
bit 0-6 CRT Clock Numerator "N"
7 Clock Source Control
3CEh index F7h (R/W): CRT Clock Select "D" Factor (6440 only)
bit 0-3 CRT Clock Denominator "D"
4-5 CRT Clock Divide
6 Memory Clock Invert
7 CRT Clock Invert
3CEh index F8h (R/W): Flat Panel Mapping RAM Pointer (6440 only)
bit 0-5 Pointer to the Mapping RAM for I/O Read/Write
7 Enable I/O Access of Mapping RAM
3CEh index F9h (R/W): Flat Panel Mapping RAM Data (6440 only)
bit 0-7 Mapping RAM Data
3CEh index FAh (R/W): Flat Panel Stippling Control (6440 only)
bit 0 Enable 32 Shades in All Stippling Cases
1-2 Stippling Select
3-5 Stippling Bit Select
6 Enable Inter-modulation
3CEh index FBh (R/W): Flat Panel Color Control (6440 only)
bit 0 Blue Color Weighting
1 Green Color Weighting
2-3 Red Color Weighting
4 Green Data from LUT
5 Enable Reverse Video in Graphics Modes
6 Enable Reverse Video in Text Mode
3CEh index FCh (R/W): Flat Panel Frame Color 1 (6440 only)
bit 0-3 Frame Color Bits for Red
4 Enable Frame Color
3CEh index FDh (R/W): Flat Panel Frame Color 2 (6440 only)
bit 0-3 Frame Color Bits for Blue
4-7 Frame Color Bits for Green
Video Modes:
002Dh G 640 400 256 P8
002Eh G 640 480 256 P8
002Fh G 648 480 256 P8 ;Weird resolution
0030h G 800 600 256 P8
0037h G 1024 768 16 PL4
0041h T 100 50 16 TXT
0042h T 100 60 16 TXT
0044h T 100 25 16 TXT
0051h T 132 50 16 TXT
0052h T 132 60 16 TXT
0053h T 80 60 16 TXT
0054h T 132 25 16 TXT
0064h G 800 600 16 PL4
006Ah G 800 600 16 PL4
GD62xx series:
The 62xx series is very similar to the early 54xx.
The 62xx series can display simultaneously on CRT and LCD.
There are two extra register banks (CX and RX) at 3d4h. How to select ?
3C4h index 2 (R/W): Map Mask
bit 0-7 Enable writing pixel bits 0-7 ?????
Note: See the VGA section for the normal use of this register
3C4h index 6 (R/W): Unlock ALL Extensions
bit 0-2,4 Writing 12h to this register enables extensions.
Read back 0Fh if locked.
Bits 3,5-7 are ignored on write.
3C4h index 7 (R/W): Extended Sequencer Mode
bit 0 Enable High-Resolution 256 Color modes if set
4-6 (R) Configuration switch 0-2 (MD[14:12])
3C4h index 8 (R/W): Miscellaneous Control
bit 0-2 Switch 1-3 Readback (Panel type, Monitor type, Local bus config).
3 Select active polarity of input SUSPEND for suspend mode.
.If set low is true, if clear high is true (default at reset).
4 Enable IO(60h) read detect to reset backlight timer
5 Enable IO(60h) read detect to reset standby timer
6 Disable MSC16* for Display Memory
7 Select symmetrical DRAM addressing for paged-mode on CRT
Set when using DRAM 9-bit addressing at 132 col CRT
3C4h index 9 (R/W): Scratch Register 0
bit 0 Set to center
2-4 Monitor type.
0: 31,5kHz Std VGA. IBM 8512,8503
1: 31.5, 35.5 kHz IBM 8514
2: 31.5, 35.1 kHz NEC 2A
3: 31.5 - 35.5 kHz NEC II
4: 31.5 - 38 kHz Multi Freq. NEC 3D
5: 31.5 - 48 kHz Sony CPD-1304, NEC 3FG, Nanao 9065S, 9070U
6: 31.5 - 56.5 kHz NEC 4D,4FG, Nanao T240i
7: 31.5 - 64 kHz NEC 5D,5FG/6FG, Nanao T560i,T660i
7 Panel frequency
3C4h index 0Ah (R/W): Scratch Register 1
bit 0 Display mode
1 Disable expand
2 Enable 16bit mode.
4 Attribute emulation
5 Disable bold font
6 High refresh
7 Voltage
3C4h index 0Bh (R/W): VCLK 0 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 0 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Ch (R/W): VCLK 1 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 1 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Dh (R/W): VCLK 2 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 2 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Eh (R/W): VCLK 3 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 3 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Fh (R/W): DRAM Control
bit 0-1 MCLK Select: 0: 50.1 MHz, 1: 44.7 MHz, 2: 25.0 MHz, 3: 37.5 MHz
Select 25MHz if VCLK is <= 18MHz
2 RAS* Timing.
0: Extended (PD on MD[27], RAS* high for 3MCLK, low for 4)
1: Standard (RAS* high for 2.5MCLK, low for 3.5)
5 CRT Write Buffer Depth Control
If set there are 4 16bit levels, if clear one 16bit level.
7 CRT Refresh disabled if set (LCD mode)
3C4h index 10h (R/W): HW Cursor X-position
bit 0-7 When this value is written to the register, the upper 3 bits of the
index register are taken as the low order bits of an 11 bit
register. This is the horizontal position of the hardware cursor in
3C4h index 11h (R/W): HW Cursor Y-position7
bit 0-7 When this value is written to the register, the upper 3 bits of the
index register are taken as the low order bits of an 11 bit
register. This is the vertical position of the hardware cursor in
3C4h index 12h (R/W): HW Cursor control
bit 0 Enable the hardware cursor if set
1 Enable Access to RAMDAC Extended Colors.
Set to load special color values via 3C8h and 3C9h.
When this bit is set palette entry 0 accesses the cursor background
color and entry FFh accesses the cursor foreground color.
3C4h index 13h (R/W): HW Cursor bitmap address
bit 0-1 Select 1 of 4 32x32 cursors
The offset in 256 byte units within the last 16KB of video memory
where the cursor mask and shape bitmaps are stored.
There are two 128 byte (32x32 bits) bitmaps stored in video memory.
The appearance of the cursor at each pixel is determined by a
combination of the corresponding pixels from the first and second
1st: 2nd:
0 0 The original screen pixel is shown (invisible cursor)
0 1 The pixel is shown in the cursor background color.
1 0 The pixel is shown as the inverse of the original
screen pixel (XOR cursor)
1 1 The pixel is shown in the cursor foreground color.
3C4h index 14h (R/W): Scratch-Pad 2
bit 0-7 Reserved
3C4h index 15h (R/W): Scratch-Pad 3
bit 0-7 Reserved
3C4h index 16h (R/W): Miscellaneous
bit 0-7 Reserved
3C4h index 19h (R/W): Scratch-Pad 4
bit 0-7 Reserved
3C4h index 1Ah (R/W): Miscellaneous
bit 4 Enable 64x64 H/W cursor
5 Enable Improved cycle latency
6 Select dual-scan color panel
7 Select one DRAM refresh per line
3C4h index 1Bh (R/W): VCLK 0 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 0 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 0 Denominator Data
Note: The clock is (14.31818MHz * numerator (index 0Bh))/Denominator.
Divide by 2 if the Post Scalar bit is set.
3C2h bits 2-3 selects between VCLK0, 1, 2 and 3
The 5420 can not handle frequencies above 75.2 MHz
3C4h index 1Ch (R/W): VCLK 1 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 1 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 1 Denominator Data
Note: See index 1Bh for the frequency calculation
3C4h index 1Dh (R/W): VCLK 2 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 2 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 2 Denominator Data
Note: See index 1Bh for the frequency calculation
3C4h index 1Eh (R/W): VCLK 3 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 3 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 3 Denominator Data
Note: See index 1Bh for the frequency calculation
3C4h index 1Fh (R/W): BIOS Write Enable and MCLK select
bit 0-5 MCLK frequency bit 0-5
3CEh index 0 (R/W): Set/Reset
bit 0-3 Write Mode 5 background color bits 0-3
4-7 Write Mode 5 background color bits 4-7
Note: See the VGA section for the use of this register in write mode 0-3
3CEh index 1 (R/W): Enable Set/Reset
bit 0-3 Write Mode 4/5 foreground color bits 0-3
4-7 Enable SR plane 0-3 or Write Mode 4/5 foreground color bits 0-3
Note: See the VGA section for the use of this register in write mode 0-3
3CEh index 5 (R/W): Mode
bit 0-1 Write mode: See the VGA section for modes 0-3.
2 Write mode bit 2 if 3CEh index 0Bh bit 2 is set
mode 4: Foreground write ?
mode 5: Fore and background write
3 Enable Read Color Compare
4 Enable odd/even (3C4h index 4 bit 2).
5 Shift 2 bits per byte
6 256 Color Mode
3CEh index 09h (R/W): Offset Register 0
bit 0-6 4k Primary/Low bank number
If 3CEh index 0Bh bit 0 is set references to A000h-A7FFh use this
bank register. If clear references to A000h-AFFFh use this bank
3CEh index 0Ah (R/W): Offset Register 1
bit 0-6 4k High bank number
If 3CEh index 0Bh bit 0 is set references to A800h-AFFFh use this
bank register.
3CEh index 0Bh (R/W): Extension Control
bit 0 If set references to A000h-A7FFh use 3CEh index 9 as bank register,
and references to A800h-AFFFh use 3CEh index 0Ah as bank register.
If clear all references to A000h-AFFFh use 3CEh index 9 as bank
1 Enable BY8 Addressing for 256 color modes
2 Enable Extended Write Modes if set (mode 4 and 5)
3d4h index 00h (R/W): Horizontal Total (CX00)
bit 0-7 Horizontal Total (-5)
Note: This register is used in 80 column and mode 13h (3C4h index 1 bit 3
clear or 3CEh index 5 bit 6 set)
3d4h index 01h (R/W): Horizontal Total (CX01)
bit 0-7 Horizontal Total (-5)
Note: This register is used in 50 column modes (3D4h index 1 bit 3 set or 3CEh
index 5 bit 6 clear)
3d4h index 02h (R/W): LFS Signal Vertical Counter Value Compare (CX02)
bit 0-7 Used if autocentering is not selected.
Note: This register selected for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 3 ??
3d4h index 03h (R/W): LFS Signal Vertical Counter Value Compare (CX03)
bit 0-7 Used if autocentering is not selected.
Note: This register selected for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 2 ??
3d4h index 04h (R/W): LFS Signal Vertical Counter Value Compare (CX04)
bit 0-7 Used if autocentering is not selected.
Note: This register selected for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 1 ??
3d4h index 05h (R/W): LFS Signal Vertical Counter Value Compare (CX05)
bit 0-7 Used if autocentering is not selected.
Note: This register selected for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 0 ??
3d4h index 06h (R/W): LFS Overflow (CX06)
bit 0-1 Bits 8-9 of the LFS compare for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 3
2-3 Bits 8-9 of the LFS compare for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 2
4-5 Bits 8-9 of the LFS compare for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 1
6-7 Bits 8-9 of the LFS compare for 3C2h bits 2-3 = 0
3d4h index 06h (R/W): Vertical Total (RX06)
bit 0-7 Vertical Total (-2)
3d4h index 07h (R/W): Color TFT Panel Control Signal (CX07)
bit 0 If set FPVDCLK is always active, if clear FPVDCLK is gated by
display enable
1 FPVDCLK is inverted if set
2 If set use LLCLK as HSYNC
3 If set use LFS as VSYNC
3d4h index 07h (R/W): Vertical Overflow (RX07)
bit 0 Vertical Total bit 8
1 Vertical Displayed bit 8
2 Vertical Sync Start bit 8
3 Vertical Blank Start bit 8
4 Line Compare bit 8
5 Vertical Total bit 9
6 Vertical Displayed bit 9
7 Vertical Sync Start bit 9
3d4h index 08h (R/W): STN Color Panel Data Format (CX08)
bit 0 If set 8bit data, if clear 16bit
1 Set for Dual shift clk STN, clear for single
2 Set for testing purposes only
3 Set to Shorten LP width, clear to Lengthen LP width
4 Set to enable foreground text enhancement
5 Set for Single Scan Mono Panels, clear for Dual Scan
6 Set for testing purposes only
7 Set to boost contrast for Mono Panels
3d4h index 09h (R/W): TFT Panel Data Format (CX09)
bit 0-1 Data format. 0: 9bit(333), 2: 12bit(444), 1,3: 18bit direct
2-4 Shiftclock delay from internal character clock to TFT hsync(LLCLK)
3d4h index 0Ah (R/W): TFT Panel HSYNC Position Control (CX0A)
bit 0-7 Horizontal counter to generate TFT panel VSYNC signal.
Set in multiples of 8 VCLKs (80 column character clocks)
3d4h index 0Bh (R/W): Panel Adjustment Control (CX0B) (6235 only)
bit 0-4 Number of LLCLKs between upper and lower panel halfs
5-6 Offset adjustment for gray-scale shading
3d4h index 10h (R/W): Vertical Sync Start (RX10)
bit 0-7 VSYNC Start
3d4h index 11h (R/W): Vertical Sync End (RX11)
bit 0-3 VSYNC End.
4 Clear Vertical Sync Interrupt
5 Enable Vertical Sync Interrupt
6 Select 5 refresh cycles
7 Write protect index 0-7.
3d4h index 15h (R/W): Vertical Blank Start (RX15)
bit 0-7 Vertical Blank Start
3d4h index 16h (R/W): Vertical Blank End
bit 0-7 Vertical Blank End
3d4h index 19h (R/W): Interlace End
bit 0-7 Ending Horizontal Character Count for Odd field VSYNC.
Typically half the horizontal total
3d4h index 1Ah (R/W): Miscellaneous Control
bit 0 Enable Interlace sync/video data in Graphics mode or interlace only
in Text mode. Set if an interlaced mode.
1 Enable Double-Buffered Display Start Address
3d4h index 1Bh (R/W): Extended Display Control
bit 0 Display Start Address bit 16. Bit 0-15 are in 3d4h index Ch-Dh.
1 Enable Extended Address Wrap. Set to enable access to video memory
beyond 128K (16bit memory) or 256K (32bit memory)
5 Set RAMDAC blanking=display enable signal (no border)
6 Select Text mode Fast-Page (132 color text)
7 Disable Cursor blink in Text Mode
3d4h index 1Ch (R/W): Flat-Panel Interface
bit 0 Invert LFS signal
1 Invert LLCLK signal
2 Enable MCLK power-down during suspend mode
3 Protect CRTC for LCD timing:
3d4h index 0,1,6,7(bits 0,2,5,7), 10h and 11h
5 Enable extra LLCLK. Used for adjusting 242 line dual panel
6-7 Flat-Panel type. 0: Dual Mono, 1: Plasma/EL, 2: STN color,
3: TFT color
3d4h index 1Dh (R/W): Flat Panel Display Control
bit 0 Enable Auto Center
1 Enable Auto Expand: 3C2h bit 6-7: 1: 400/200 lines, 2: 350, 3: 480.
2 Enable VGA access to reset Backlight Timer
3 Enable input ACTi to reset Backlight Timer
4 Suspend mode Clock source. If set use OSC, if clear use pin 32KHz.
5 Enable VGA access to reset Standby Timer
6 Enable input ACTi to reset Standby Timer
7 Enable access to LCD timing register at CRTC alternate index if set
3d4h index 1Eh (R/W): Flat Panel Shading
bit 0 Enable Planar Graphics Mode Dithering
1 Enable Text mode Contrast Enhancement
2-3 # of shades for Flat Pane:
Mono: 0: 16, 1: 64, 2: 128, 3:256
Color: 0: 4K, 1-3: 256K
4 Reverse Video Graphics Modes
5 Reverse Video Text Modes
6-7 Shade Mapping.
0: 18bit LUT output to 64 shades with NTSC weighting
1: green LUT output (6 bit to 64 shades).
2: Display data before Attribute Controller to 64 shades
3: Attribute Controller output, 6bitrs to 64 shades
3d4h index 1Fh (R/W): Flat Panel MOD control
bit 0-6 If bit 7 is set LLCLK = (this value) + 180h
if clear this is the number of scan lines after which the MOD pin
will change polarity.
7 Modulation select. Set for internal Modulation, clear for external
3d4h index 20h (R/W): Power Management
bit 0 Text Mode Shading Control. If set the text shades are derived the
same way as the graphics, if clear the text shades are derived
directly from the FG/BG data.
1-2 Select Refresh Rate. 0: 8ms, 2: 64ms, 2: self refresh, 3: no refresh
3 Activate Suspend Mode (timer override)
4 Activate Standby Mode (timer override)
5 Enable LCD mode if set
6 Enable CRT mode if set
7 set pin STANDBY to 'activate' output
3d4h index 21h (R/W): Power Down Timer Control
bit 0-3 Standby Mode Timer Control. 0: disable timer, 1-15: minutes
4-7 Backlight Timer Control (FPBack)
3d4h index 23h (R/W): Suspend Mode Input Switch Debounce Timer
bit 0 FPVcc output state (if bit1 set)
1 FPVcc control override
2 FPBack output state (if bit3 set)
3 FPBack control override
4-7 Time for input SUSPEND to remain active before entering suspend
mode. 0: disable timer checking, 1-15: seconds
3d4h index 25h (R/W): Part Status Register
bit 0-7 Part Status. Used for factory testing only.
3d4h index 27h (R): Part ID register
bit 0-1 Revision Level
3 Set to 1 ???
6-7 Device Identifier.
0: CL-GD6205 (C9h rev -BL)
1: CL-GD6235 (89h rev -BK)
2: CL-GD6215 (48h)
3: CL-GD6225 (09h rev -BK)
Note: One source claims the 5428 has ID 24h & Rev 1 I.e. code. 91h
Note: I've seen one chip marked as 5422-80, which returns 94h i.e. a 5424.
3d4h index 29h (R/W): Configuration Read Back
bit 0 Bus Type Select. 0: Local Bus, 1: ISA bus
1-2 Local Bus Type
3 DRAM Type Select. 0: Dual CAS DRAM, 1: Dual write enable DRAM
4 Active NPD (no power down) input
5 Power up/down cycling activity
GD5402, 542x and 543x series:
3C4h index 2 (R/W): Map Mask
bit 0-7 Enable writing pixel bits 0-7 ?????
Note: See the VGA section for the normal use of this register
3C4h index 6 (R/W): Unlock ALL Extensions
bit 0-2,4 Writing 12h to this register enables extensions.
Read back 0Fh if locked.
Bits 3,5-7 are ignored on write.
3C4h index 7 (R/W): Extended Sequencer Mode
bit 0 Enable High-Resolution 256 Color modes if set
1-2 (542x,02) Select CRTC Character Clock Divider
1-3 (543x) Select CRTC Character Clock Divider.
0: Normal operation
1: Clock/2 for 16bit pixels
2: Clock/3 for 24bit pixels
3: (5426-3x only) 16bit pixel data at Pixel Rate
4: (543x only) 32bit pixel data at Pixel Rate
4-7 (5422-3x) Select 1M Video Memory Mapping.
The address in 1MB units the Video Memory is mapped at (0=no
3C4h index 8 (R/W): EEPROM Control
bit 0 "CS" out to EEPROM
1 Enable EEPROM data input
2 "SK" to EEPROM thru ESYNC (if bit 4 is set)
3 "DI" to EEPROM thru EVIDEO (if bit 4 is set)
4 Enable EEPROM Data and Sk. If set ESYNC/EVIDEO* are outputs,
if clear inputs
6 Disable MEMCS16* for display memory
7 (R) EEPROM Input Data
3C4h index 9 (R/W): Scratch Register 0
bit 2-4 Monitor type.
0: 31,5kHz Std VGA. IBM 8512,8503
1: 31.5, 35.5 kHz IBM 8514
2: 31.5, 35.1 kHz NEC 2A
3: 31.5 - 35.5 kHz NEC II
4: 31.5 - 38 kHz Multi Freq. NEC 3D
5: 31.5 - 48 kHz Sony CPD-1304, NEC 3FG, Nanao 9065S, 9070U
6: 31.5 - 56.5 kHz NEC 4D,4FG, Nanao T240i
7: 31.5 - 64 kHz NEC 5D,5FG/6FG, Nanao T560i,T660i
3C4h index 0Ah (R/W): Scratch Register 1
bit 0-1 (5402) Display Memory. 0: 256K, 1: 512K, 2: 1M
3-4 (54xx) Video memory. 0=256K, 1=512K, 2=1024K, 3=2048K
Note: Video memory should be determined from this register rather than
index 0Fh
3C4h index 0Bh (R/W): VCLK 0 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 0 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Ch (R/W): VCLK 1 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 1 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Dh (R/W): VCLK 2 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 2 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Eh (R/W): VCLK 3 Numerator Register
bit 0-6 VCLK 3 Numerator bits 0-6
3C4h index 0Fh (R/W): DRAM Control
bit 0-1 (542x) MCLK Select: 0: 50.1 MHz, 1: 44.7 MHz, 2: 41.2 MHz,
3: 37.6 MHz
0 (543x) (R) Disable DAC
1 (543x) MCLK Timing. 0: 50.11363MHz, 1: 41.16477MHz
2 RAS* Timing.
0: Extended (PD on MD[27], RAS* high for 3MCLK, low for 4)
1: Standard (RAS* high for 2.5MCLK, low for 3.5)
3-4 (54xx) DRAM Data Width.
(542x) 0: 8bit (256K), 1: 16bit (512K), 2: 32bit (1M/2M)
(543x) 2: 32bit, 3:64 bit
5 (5422-3x) CRT FIFO Depth Control
6 (542x) Disable CRTC FIFO Fast-Page detection Mode
(543x) CPU Write Buffer Control
7 (5426-28) DRAM Bank Select. 0: 4 512Kx8, 1: 4 256Kx16
Set to enable access to memory beyond 1MB ??
(543x) DRAM Bank Switch Control
3C4h index 10h (R/W): HW Cursor X-position
bit 0-7 When this value is written to the register, the upper 3 bits of the
index register are taken as the low order bits of an 11 bit
register. This is the horizontal position of the hardware cursor in
3C4h index 11h (R/W): HW Cursor Y-position7
bit 0-7 When this value is written to the register, the upper 3 bits of the
index register are taken as the low order bits of an 11 bit
register. This is the vertical position of the hardware cursor in
3C4h index 12h (R/W): HW Cursor control
bit 0 Enable the hardware cursor if set
1 Enable Access to RAMDAC Extended Colors.
Set to load special color values via 3C8h and 3C9h.
When this bit is set palette entry 0 accesses the cursor background
color and entry FFh accesses the cursor foreground color.
2 (5422-3x) If set select 64x64 cursor, if clear 32x32.
7 (5424-3x) Overscan Color Protect
3C4h index 13h (R/W): HW Cursor bitmap address
bit 0-5 Select 1 of 64 32x32 cursors
2-5 (5422-3x) Select 1 of 16 64x64 cursors (if index 12h bit 2 is set)
The offset in 256 byte units within the last 16KB of video memory
where the cursor mask and shape bitmaps are stored.
There are two 128 byte (32x32 bits) bitmaps stored in video memory.
The appearance of the cursor at each pixel is determined by a
combination of the corresponding pixels from the first and second
1st: 2nd:
0 0 The original screen pixel is shown (invisible cursor)
0 1 The pixel is shown in the cursor background color.
1 0 The pixel is shown as the inverse of the original
screen pixel (XOR cursor)
1 1 The pixel is shown in the cursor foreground color.
3C4h index 14h (R/W): Scratch-Pad Register 2 (5426-3x only)
bit 0-7
3C4h index 15h (R/W): Scratch-Pad Register 3 (5426-3x only)
bit 0-7
3C4h index 16h (R/W): Performance Tuning (5424-3x only)
bit 0-3 FIFO Demand Threshold
4-5 (5424-28) RDY# delay for memory write bits 0-1. 0: 1, 1,2: 2, 3: 4
4 (543x) LRDY# Delay for Memory Cycles
5 (543x) Readback of CF6
6-7 (5424-28) RDY# delay for I/O bits 0-1. 0,1: 1 2,3: 2
(543x) LRDY# Delay for I/O Cycles
3C4h index 17h (R/W): Configuration Readback and Extended Control (543x only)
bit 0 Shadow DAC Writes on Local Bus
1 Power Down Palette Memory
2 Enable Memory-Mapped I/O
3-5 (R) System Bus Select MD[50:48] ??
7 Disable DRAM Refresh
3C4h index 18h (R/W): Signature Generator Control (5422-3x only)
bit 0 Enable/Status Signal Generator
1 Reset Signature Generator. Set to reset to an initial, defined
condition. Clear to allow the Signal Generator to run.
2-4 Select Pixel Bus. The bit to input to the Signal Generator.
0: bit 0 ... 7: bit 7
5 Enable Data Generator
6 Disable DCLK/Pixel Bus Drivers. ** For testing only **
7 Disable MCLK Driver. ** For Testing only **
3C4h index 19h W(R/W): Signature Generator Result (5422-3x only)
bit 0-15 Signal Generator Result
3C4h index 1Bh (R/W): VCLK 0 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 0 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 0 Denominator Data
Note: The clock is (14.31818MHz * numerator (index 0Bh))/Denominator.
Divide by 2 if the Post Scalar bit is set.
3C2h bits 2-3 selects between VCLK0, 1, 2 and 3
The 5420 can not handle frequencies above 75.2 MHz
3C4h index 1Ch (R/W): VCLK 1 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 1 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 1 Denominator Data
Note: See index 1Bh for the frequency calculation
3C4h index 1Dh (R/W): VCLK 2 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 2 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 2 Denominator Data
Note: See index 1Bh for the frequency calculation
3C4h index 1Eh (R/W): VCLK 3 Denominator & Post
bit 0 VCLK 3 Post Scalar bit. Divide clock by 2 if set
1-5 VCLK 3 Denominator Data
Note: See index 1Bh for the frequency calculation
3C4h index 1Fh (R/W): BIOS Write Enable and MCLK select (5424-3x only)
bit 0-5 MCLK frequency bit 0-5
6 (543x) Use MCLK as VCLK if set.
7 Enable BIOS write
3CEh index 0 (R/W): Set/Reset
bit 0-3 Write Mode 5 background color bits 0-3
4-7 Write Mode 5 background color bits 4-7
Note: See the VGA section for the use of this register in write mode 0-3
3CEh index 1 (R/W): Enable Set/Reset
bit 0-3 Write Mode 4/5 foreground color bits 0-3
4-7 Enable SR plane 0-3 or Write Mode 4/5 foreground color bits 0-3
Note: See the VGA section for the use of this register in write mode 0-3
3CEh index 5 (R/W): Mode
bit 0-1 (index 0Bh bit 2 clear) Write mode nits 0-1
0-2 (index 0Bh bit 2 set) Write mode bit 0-2
See the VGA section for modes 0-3.
mode 4: Foreground write ?
mode 5: Fore and background write
3 Enable Read Color Compare
4 Enable odd/even (3C4h index 4 bit 2).
5 Shift 2 bits per byte
6 256 Color Mode
3CEh index 09h (R/W): Offset Register 0
bit 0-7 4K Primary/Low bank number.
If 3CEh index 0Bh bit 0 is set references to A000h-A7FFh use this
bank register. If clear references to A000h-AFFFh use this bank
register. (5426-3x) If index 0Bh bit 5 is set this register is in
units of 16KB, rather than 4KB
3CEh index 0Ah (R/W): Offset Register 1
bit 0-7 4K High bank number.
If 3CEh index 0Bh bit 0 is set references to A800h-AFFFh use this
bank register. (5426-3x) If index 0Bh bit 5 is set this register is
in units of 16KB, rather than 4KB
3CEh index 0Bh (R/W): Extension Control
bit 0 If set references to A000h-A7FFh use 3CEh index 9 as bank register,
and references to A800h-AFFFh use 3CEh index 0Ah as bank register.
If clear all references to A000h-AFFFh use 3CEh index 9 as bank
1 Enable BY8 Addressing for 256 color modes
2 Enable Extended Write Modes if set (mode 4 and 5)
3 Enable 8byte memory read Data Latch
4 Enable Enhanced Writes for 16bit pixels (if bit 2 is set)
5 (5426-3x) Offset Granularity.
If set the bank registers are in 16K rather than 4K steps.
3CEh index 0Ch (R/W): Color Key Compare (5424-3x only)
bit 0-7 Color Key Compare bits 0-7
3CEh index 0Dh (R/W): Color Key Compare Mask (5424-3x only)
bit 0-7 Color Key Compare Key Mask 0-7
3CEh index 0Eh (R/W): Miscellaneous Control (543x only)
bit 0 DCLK Output Divide by 2
1 Static HSYNC
2 Static VSYNC
3CEh index 0Fh (R/W: Display Compression Control (543x only)
bit 0 Enable Compression
1 Horizontal Compression
2-4 Vertical Compression
3CEh index 10h (R/W): 16bit Pixel Background Color High Byte (5422-3x only)
bit 0-7 Extended BackGround color bits 8-15 in write mode 5.
This data sent to planes 1/3, data from 3CEh index 0 sent to 2/4
3CEh index 11h (R/W): 16bit Pixel Foreground Color High Byte (5422-3x only)
bit 0-7 Extended ForeGround color bits 8-15 in write mode 4/5.
This data sent to planes 1/3, data from 3CEh index 1 sent to 2/4
3CEh index 12h (R/W): Background Color Byte 2 (543x only)
bit 0-7 Extended BackGround color bits 16-23 in write mode 5.
3CEh index 13h (R/W): Foreground Color Byte 2 (543x only)
bit 0-7 Extended ForeGround color bits 16-23 in write mode 4/5.
3CEh index 14h (R/W): Background Color Byte 3 (543x only)
bit 0-7 Extended BackGround color bits 24-31 in write mode 5.
3CEh index 15h (R/W): Foreground Color Byte 3 (543x only)
bit 0-7 Extended ForeGround color bits 24-31 in write mode 4/5.
3CEh index 20h W(R/W): BLT Width (5426-3x only)
bit 0-10 (5426-28) Number of pixels across in the BLIT area.
0-12 (543x) do
3CEh index 22h W(R/W): BLT Height (5426-3x only)
bit 0-9 (5426-28) Number of lines in the BLIT area.
0-10 (543x) do
3CEh index 24h W(R/W): BLT Destination Pitch (5426-3x only)
bit 0-11 (5426-28) Number of bytes in a scanline at the destination.
0-12 (543x) do
3CEh index 26h W(R/W): BLT Source Pitch (5426-3x only)
bit 0-11 (5426-28) Number of bytes in a scanline at the source.
0-12 (543x) do
3CEh index 28h 3(R/W): BLT Destination Start (5426-3x only)
bit 0-20 (5426-28) Destination address of the BLIT.
0-21 (543x) do
3CEh index 2Ch 3(R/W): BLT Source Start (5426-3x only)
bit 0-20 (5426-28) Source address of the BLIT.
0-21 (543x) do
3CEh index 2Fh (R/W): Write Mask Destination (543x only)
bit 0-2 Write Mask
7 Disable X-Y Offset Indexing
3CEh index 30h (R/W): BLT Mode (5426-3x only)
bit 0 BLT Direction. Set to decrement addresses during BitBLT operations,
clear to increment.
1 BLT Destination. Set if system memory, clear if display memory.
2 BLT Source. Set if system memory, clear if display memory.
3 Enable Color Expand with Transparency Compare
4 (5426-28) Color Expand/Transparency Width
4-5 (543x) do
6 Enable 8x8 Pattern Copy
7 Enable Color Expand
3CEh index 31h (R/W): BLT Start/Status (5426-3x only)
bit 0 (R) BLT Status. Set if busy
1 Set to start BLT operation, clear to suspend
2 BLT Reset
3 (R) BLT Progress Status
3CEh index 32h (R/W): BLT Raster Operation (ROP) (5426-3x only)
bit 0-7 BLT 2-operand Raster Operation.
00h 0
05h And
06h Destination
09h Source And Not Destination
0Bh Not Destination
0Dh Copy from source
0Eh 1
50h Not Source And Destination
59h Xor
6Dh Or
90h Nor
95h XNor
ADh Source Or Not Destination
D0h Not Source
D6h Not Source Or Destination
DAh NAnd
3CEh index 33h (R/W): BLT Reserved (543x only)
3CEh index 34h W(R/W): BLT Trans Color (5426/28 only)
bit 0-15 BLT Transparency Color
3CEh index 38h W(R/W): BLT Trans Mask (5426/28 only)
bit 0-15 BLT Transparency Color Mask
3d4h index 19h (R/W): Interlace End
bit 0-7 Ending Horizontal Character Count for Odd field VSYNC.
Typically half the horizontal total
3d4h index 1Ah (R/W): Miscellaneous Control
bit 0 Enable Interlace sync/video data in Graphics mode or interlace only
in Text mode. Set if an interlaced mode.
1 Enable Double-Buffered Display Start Address
2-3 Overlay/DAC Mode Switching Control
0: Normal Operation
1: with EVIDEO*
2: with EVIDEO* and Color Key (5424-3x only)
3: with Color Key
4-5 Horizontal Blank End Overflow bits 6-7
6-7 Vertical Blank End Overflow bits 8-9
3d4h index 1Bh (R/W): Extended Display Control
bit 0 Display Start Address bit 16. Bit 0-15 are in 3d4h index Ch-Dh.
1 Enable Extended Address Wrap. Set to enable access to video memory
beyond 128K (16bit memory) or 256K (32bit memory)
2 (5420-3x) Display Start Address bit 17
3 (5426-3x) Display Start Address bit 18
4 Bit 8 of the CRTC Offset register (3d4h index 13h) ?.
5 Blanking Control
6 Select Text mode Fast-Page (132 color text)
7 (5426-3x) Enable Blank End Extensions
3d4h index 1Ch (R/W): Sync Adjust and Genlock (543x only)
bit 0-2 Horizontal Sync Start Adjust
3-5 Horizontal Total Adjust
3d4h index 1Dh (R/W): Overlay Extended Control (543x only)
bit 0 Enable Alpha Overlay
1-2 DAC Mode Switching
3 Overlay Video Clocking Mode
4-5 Color Key Compare type
7 Extended Display Start Address bit 19.
3d4h index 25h (R/W): Part Status Register (not 5402)
bit 0-7 Part Status
3d4h index 27h (R): Part ID register
bit 0-1 Revision Level
2-7 (54xx) Device Identifier:
06h: Acumos AVGA2 ??
22h: Depends on revision Level:
CL-GD5402 Rev=0 (88h)
CL-GD5402 rev 1 Rev=1 (89h)
CL-GD5420 Rev=2 (8Ah)
CL-GD5420 rev 1 Rev=3 (8Bh)
23h: CL-GD5422 (8Ch-8Fh)
24h: CL-GD5426 (90h-93h)
25h: CL-GD5424 (94h-97h)
26h: CL-GD5426 (98h-9Bh)
29h: CL-GD543x (A4h-A7h)
Note: One source claims the 5428 has ID 24h & Rev 1 I.e. code. 91h
Note: I've seen one chip marked as 5422-80, which returns 94h i.e. a 5424.
Memory locations:
$C000:$8 1 byte Offset of Model string in BIOS.
ID Cirrus VGA:
(* First test for Cirrus 54xx *)
if rdinx($3C4,6)=$F then
if (rdinx($3C4,6)=$12) and testinx2($3C4,$1E,$3F) then
if testinx($3CE,9) then
case SubVers of
$88:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5402';
$89:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5402 r1';
$8A:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5420';
$8B:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5420 r1';
$8C..$8F:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5422';
$90..$93:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5426';
$94..$97:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5424';
$98..$9B:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5428';
$A4..$A7:name:='Cirrus CL-GD543x';
else UNK('Cirrus54',x);
else if testinx($3C4,$19) then
case SubVers shr 6 of
0:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6205';
1:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6235';
2:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6215';
3:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6225';
else name:='Cirrus AVGA2 (5402)';
else wrinx($3C4,6,old);
(* Now test for 64xx *)
if rdinx($3CE,$A)=0 then
if rdinx($3CE,$A)=1 then
case SubVers shr 4 of
4:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6440';
5:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6412';
6:name:='Cirrus CL-GD5410';
7:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6420';
8:name:='Cirrus CL-GD6410';
else UNK('Cirrus64')
(* Now test for 5/600 *)
wrinx($3C4,6,(eagle shl 4)+(eagle shr 4));
if inp($3C5)=0 then
if inp($3C5)=1 then
case SubVers of
$EC:Cirrus 510/520;
$CA:Cirrus 610/620;
$EA:Cirrus Video7 OEM;
else UNK(Cirrus)
Modes for the GD 5320:
18h T 132 25 2
19h T 132 34 2
1Ah T 132 44 2
1Ch T 132 25 16
1Dh T 132 43 16
1Eh T 132 44 16
23h T 132 25 16
24h T 132 28 16
25h G 640 480 16 PL4
29h G 800 600 16 PL4
2Dh G 640 350 256 P8
60h T 132 25
61h G 640 400 16 PL4
61h T 132 50 HUH ??
62h G 640 450 16 PL4
70h G 360 480 256 P8
71h G 528 400 256 P8
72h G 528 480 256 P8
74h G 320 240 256 P8
75h G 640 400 256 P8
Modes for the GD 54xx:
14h T 132 25 16 (8x16)
54h T 132 43 16 (8x8)
55h T 132 25 16 (8x14)
56h T 132 43 2 (5402 only)
57h T 132 25 2 (5402 only)
58h G 800 600 16 PL4
59h G 800 600 2 (5402 only)
5Ch G 800 600 256 P8
5Dh G 1024 768 16 PL4
5Eh G 640 400 256 P8 (5402 only)
5Fh G 640 480 256 P8
60h G 1024 768 256 P8
64h G 640 480 64K P16
65h G 800 600 64K P16
66h G 640 480 32K P15
67h G 800 600 32K P15
6Ah G 800 600 16 PL4
6Ch G 1280 1024 16 PL4
6Dh G 1280 1024 256 P8
6Fh G 320 200 64K P16
70h G 320 200 16M P24
71h G 640 480 16M P24
74h G 1024 768 64K P16
-- BIOS extensions --
INT 10 - VIDEO Cirrus Logic - Get Chip ID
AH = 12h
BL = 80h
Return: AL = Chip ID:
2 CL-GD 510/610
3 CL-GD 610/620
4 CL-GD 5320
5 CL-GD 6410
6 CL-GD 5410
7 CL-GD 6420
8 CL-GD 6412
9 CL-GD 6416
10h CL-GD 5401
11h CL-GD 5402
12h CL-GD 5420
13h CL-GD 5422
14h CL-GD 5424
15h CL-GD 5426
16h CL-GD 5420 rev 1 ??
17h CL-GD 5402 rev 1 ??
18h CL-GD 5428
20h CL-GD 6205
21h CL-GD 6215
22h CL-GD 6225
30h CL-GD 5432
31h CL-GD 5434
40h CL-GD 6440
41h CL-GD 6450
BL = Silicon Revision number (bit 7 set if not available)
BH = bit 2 set if using CL-GD 6340 LCD interface
INT 10 - VIDEO - Cirrus Logic - Get BIOS Version
AH = 12h
BL = 81h
Return: AH = Major Version
AL = Minor Version
AH = 12h
BL = 82h
Return: AL = Chip Revision
AH = ??
INT 10 - VIDEO - Cirrus Logic - Get Memory
AH = 12h
BL = 85h
Return: AL = Video Memory in 64K units
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - EN/DISABLE REVERSE VIDEO MODE
AH = 12h
BL = 89h
AL = new state (00h enabled, 01h disabled)
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET FRAME COLOR
AH = 12h
BL = 8Ah
AL = new grey-scale color (00h = black to 0Fh = white)
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - ENABLE/DISABLE BOLD MODE
AH = 12h
BL = 8Bh
AL = new state (00h enabled, 01h disabled)
AH = 12h
BL = 8Ch
AL = new state
00h enable automap
01h disable automap and emulate attributes
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - ENABLE/DISABLE EXPAND MODE
AH = 12h
BL = 8Fh
AL = new state (00h enabled, 01h disabled)
Note: when expand mode is enabled, the vertical dimension is enlarged to
full screen
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET CENTERING MODE
AH = 12h
BL = 90h
AL = new position
00h centered
01h from top
02h from bottom
03h from top
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET 720-DOT FIXUP MODE
AH = 12h
BL = 91h
AL = new mode
00h display MGA mode from left of screen (default)
01h display MGA from right
02h skip every ninth pixel
03h OR every 8th and 9th pixel
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SWITCH DISPLAY
AH = 12h
BL = 92h
AL = new display (00h LCD, 01h external monitor)
Note: the deselected display is disabled
INT 10 - VIDEO - Cirrus Logic - FORCE 8bit OR 16bit OPERATION
AH = 12h
BL = 93h
AL = New I/O width (00h = 16bits, 01h = 8bits).
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - POWER CONSERVATION
AH = 12h
BL = 94h
AL = new state (00h wake up monitor, 01h shut down display)
Note: AL=01h is reported not to work properly on the LCD panel
INT 10 - VIDEO - Cirrus Logic - GET USER OPTIONS
AH = 12h
BL = 9Ah
Return: AX = Options Word 1:
Bit 2-4 Monitor type
5-6 Maximum Vertical Resolution
10 Force 8bit operation
14 Vertical Refresh Frequency at 640x480
CX = Options Word 2:
Bit 4-5 Vertical Refresh Frequency at 1280x1024
11-12 Vertical Refresh Frequency at 800x600
13-15 Vertical Refresh Frequency at 1024x768
AH = 12h
AL = Video mode number
BL = A0h
Return: AH = Bit 0: Video mode supported
BX = Offset of BIOS subrutine to fixup standard video parameters.
(Call subrutine with DS:SI and ES:DI as returned by this call)
DS:SI -> Standard Video Parameters or FFFFh:FFFFh
ES:DI -> Supplemental Video Parameters or FFFFh:FFFFh
AH = 12h
BL = A1h
Return: BH = Monitor ID:
00h-08h Reserved
09h IBM 8604/8507
0Ah IBM 8514
0Bh IBM 8515
0Dh IBM 8503
0Eh IBM 8512/8513
0Fh no monitor
BL = Monitor Type. 00h: Color, 01h: Grayscale, 02h: Display
AH = 12h
BL = A2h
AL = Monitor Type
00h Standard VGA
01h 8514-compatible (31.5 + 35.5 kHz)
02h SuperVGA (31.5 - 35.1 kHz)
03h Extended SuperVGA (31.5 - 35.5 kHz)
04h multi-frequency (31.5 - 37.8 kHz)
05h extended multi-frequency (31.5 - 48-0 kHz)
06h super multi-frequency (31.5 - 56.0 kHz)
07h extended super multi-frequency (31.5 - 64.0 kHz)
INT 10 - VIDEO - Cirrus Logic - SET VGA REFRESH
AH = 12h
BL = A3h
AL = refresh rate for 640x480 (00h normal, 01h high)
INT 10 - VIDEO - Cirrus Logic - SET MONITOR TYPE
AH = 12h
BL = A4h
AL = Bits 0-3 Maximum Vertical Resolution
0: 480, 1: 600, 2: 768, 3: 1024
4-7 Vertical Refresh at 640x480:
0: 60Hz, 1: 72Hz
BH = Bits 0-3 Vertical Refresh at 800x600:
0: 56Hz, 1: 60Hz, 2: 72Hz
4-7 Vertical Refresh at 1024x768:
0: 87Hz i-laced, 1: 60Hz, 2: 70Hz, 3: 72Hz, 4: 76Hz
CH = Bits 4-7 Vertical Refresh at 1280x1024:
0: 87Hz i-laced, 1: 60Hz, 2: 70Hz
Many other functions exist in the range BL = 80h - A3h